From 22 years of biking to work, to flying over 180,000 km to just 1 of my clients within 1 year – here’s how this transformed me.

influencing the circumstances stretchzone Nov 29, 2024

From 22 years of biking to work, to flying over 180,000 km to just 1 of my clients within 1 year – here’s how this transformed me.

2.5 years ago, my job changed dramatically. I went from working for 2 school boards in 22 years, to working for schools on 6 continents.

Building the new, innovative government founded school Agora in The Netherlands was an enriching journey that taught me much as a person and as a leader. 

While working there, since 2015 and seeing my team growing from 5 to 45 within 6 years, the drive to share my learnings became essential. 

I had to make a difficult decision, it felt like handing over my baby to someone else. Someone who didn’t know the toddlers habits and needs. I made sure I could stick around, to assist the new management, and started my company in 2022.

This shift from managing institutions to coaching schools and educators worldwide redefined both my career and my purpose.

How It Made Me Stronger

This transformation not only reshaped my professional path but enriched my understanding of leadership and personal fulfilment.

It’s about helping others channel their strengths, just as I did, to bring about impactful change.

I realized, that continuous development
…. isn’t about defining which skills and responsibilities everyone should master. 

…. is about identifying which skills and responsibilities we trust each other with. 

Using each person’s expertise enables continuous development, while trying to make everyone excel at everything only holds progress back.

Are you holding people back by forcing them to master the same?

Have a look at the slides below: Maybe my strategy is helpful!